Saturday, November 17, 2007

Tournament Recap

Jerry, Cade, and I headed to biloxi to play in the superstack tourney at the Beau Rivage. Everyone started with 10,000 in chips and the blinds increased every 15 mins. It was a great tournament but everyone seemed to just try to fold their way to the money. I made a few big hands at the beginning including one where I raised the blind to 250 with pocket 8s out of 3 position. I got two callers and then the flop came out 8 5 5. What a flop! Not only that but the guy in front bets 600 into the pot so me be the savvy player I am just smoothcall. The turn was a K. I was hoping the guy in front of me was just betting at a low flop and happend to hit his king on the turn. He checked and I set the trap and checked behind him. The river was a total blank and he checked once more. Now the question became how much can I bet to induce a call. The answer was 1200 which he immediately called. I didn't see what he exactly had but he told me he had the other 8 which means when he called he thought I was completly bluffing....Nice play by me. Later on in the tournament I picked up A J of hearts and hit a flop of J X X with two clubs. A guy in front of me bet 2000 into the pot and the guy beside me called so I pushed all in for 10,000 more. The original better put his tournament life on the line with a club draw of K 7, which Im suprised he had considering I raised it to 1200 preflop but he was a loose player anyways. Well the turn brought an end to my hand with the Q of clubs and crippled me to only 3500 chips. It was not looking good. I got patient and playing my position and picked up some blinds with an all in move with nothing but 6 4 off. Then I got the bullets in 1st position. Most people being as shortstacked as I was and with great cards like that would have easily pushed all in, but probably would have just picked up the blinds. I on the other knew I had two ultra aggressive players behind me that would raise so I just limped in. Sure enough a guy raised to 1500 and then there was 3 callers behind him. I immediately pushed for 4000 more and the big blind thought I was making a move and called with 9 6 of hearts. The flop didn't help him at all and I was back in the tournament with 12550 in chips. Talk about a come back and so quick but alas it was not meant to be. I went card dead after that and I tried to be patient but the blinds and antes were slowly dwindling my stack. I finally got A 10 and pushed only to be called by A Q. There was no help for me and I busted in 22 place. Not to bad. I was proud of my performance I played well and didn't make any mistakes. The blinds and antes caught up with me and the way the structure was you had to have cards. Cade later busted in 20th place and Jerry soon followed in 19th. We made a good showing and people were impressed with our play I even got a compliment or two on my short stack play. Next time we will go the distance. Keep reading and HIt the felt hard!!!!!

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