Sunday, November 25, 2007


Everyone likes to win, especially me. I've been doing well in tournaments but 1st place has eluded my grasp for the past month. Yesterday that all changed. I grabbed 1st place, hog tied it, and made it my bitch. I won five straight sit n gos in a row. This is quite a feat considering I was playing three of them at the same time and played the other two right after that. I then proceeded to play in a $10+$1 buy-in knockout tourney. There were 726 entrants and they paid the top 72. It wasn't going to be easy. The upside was that everytime you knocked someone out of the tourney you got $2. I played well and was chipleader for a while but alas I fell in 211th place after I got all my chips in with A Q offsuit to be outflopped by 10 9 suited. At least I took out six people before that and made a $2 profit. It was the hardest $2 I ever made. I hope I can keep playing this well. I think I want to start a video blog series called"Play a tournament with me" where I video myslef playing a tourney and provide commentary while I do it. Give me some feedback and let me know what you think. Until then hit the felt hard!

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