Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Slow day at Card Sharks!

Last night I headed to CardSharks to try to win two in a row. Sadly this did not pan out. We played the $30 freezeout where you start with 3000 in chips and the blinds move up every 15 min. There were 14 people in this tourney so the payout would be the same as when I won the other night in the $60 freezeout with only 7 to beat. I may stick to those. Anyway it was a slow slow night. I got no playable cards for what seemed like forever. The only hand I really got was J 9 off in the small blind. Four people limped to me and I called and the big blind checked. The flop came out 9 2 2. I figured no one was playing a deuce so I bet 400 everyone folded to a guy who said " you got none of that" and then proceeded to call. I put him on calling with two over cards. The turn brought a jack so now I had an even better two pair. I bet out 500 and got called. The river brought a 3rd diamond on the board so I slowed down and checked as did he. My two pair was good and I brought home the pot. I slowly got blinded off and was very shortstacked at 1175 with the blinds at 100 200. I looked down to find pocket 9s so I immediatly went all in. A guy called me with pocket 7s. Awesome!!! A chance to come back. I celebrated all to soon when the flop came out Jc 7c 4d. OUTFLOPPED!!!! The turn then brought the 8 of clubs. Now in this position I needed a nine, a ten, or a club. Add it all up and it comes to 15 outs. I hit none of them and I was out in 10th place. Oh well! Maybe next time. I reflected on my play last night and then reason I didn't do as well was I played timid. I limped when I could have been raising and I didn't play aggresively enough. There were plenty of pots I could have easily picked up with aggressive play but since there were 14 people I was just trying to survive. Let that be a lesson. Survival will ultimately leave you dissappointed. Until next time Hit the felt hard!!!!!

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